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Employer Brand Marketing

About this service

What are the benefits of our Employer Brand Marketing service

Here are some examples of the ways we provide added value to our clients in helping them to promote their brand and gain top-of-mind awareness with potential candidates.

Written Q&As

Our bespoke written interviews give lawyers from within your team the chance to give an insight into their career journey, their roles day-to-day and their lives outside of work, while at the same time promoting your firm culture and employer proposition. These interviews form a core part of our quarterly newsletters, are published on our website and are shared across our social media platforms.

Video interviews

During a short conversation with a member of our specialist team, one of your lawyers will have the opportunity to showcase your offering as an employer, in a relaxed setting. In most cases, these will be filmed remotely and will be published on our YouTube channel and website, and promoted in our newsletter and across our social media channels.

Quarterly practice area newsletters

Read by thousands of lawyers across the North West, Yorkshire and the Midlands, our practice area-specific newsletters provide you with the opportunity to get in front of inactive and passive candidates you wouldn’t otherwise reach.

Monthly Career Accelerator newsletters

Our Career Accelerator is designed to help lawyers develop their skills, get advice from respected lawyers in their field and better understand the opportunities out there in the legal sector. Share your wisdom in our Careers Clinic or showcase your firm in our In the Spotlight segment.

Realm Academy skills courses and our legal careers advice brand

Share your expertise with current and future lawyers, on topics ranging from developing a specialism to personal branding and help equip them with the knowledge they need to progress their legal careers.


Share your expertise and showcase your employer brand as part of our webinar programme. Not only will your webinar be promoted to our network of lawyers, but will appear in our newsletters, snippets will be shared across social media and it will be published on our YouTube channel and website.

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