The 5-day workweek allows time for rest and time for work but no time to work on yourself. Having that extra time to improve yourself won’t only help you but also the business. At Realm to be eligible for Flexi Friday it is a non-negotiable that we spend 4 hours on self-development a month to ensure that we really do use that extra day wisely and improve ourselves (which in turn, will help the business). Win-win.
Realm’s experience of the 4-day week:
At Realm, it has always been our priority to ensure the wellbeing of our team is cared for and the Director, Duane, has always been a keen believer that life comes before work. The concept of the 4-day week undoubtedly aligns with the values of the business whilst being an incredible bonus to all those who benefit from it.
In our Staff Engagement Survey, 90% of our team strongly agreed with the statement “this organisation supports a balance between work and personal life” (the remaining 10% agreed). This shows how valued our employees feel at Realm and I can certainly vouch for that too. It’s important to note that since we introduced Flexi-Friday, our financial performance has not dipped once (in fact, it’s improved!) proving that it is possible to provide more flexibility and maintain (or even increase) productivity.
Without a shadow of a doubt, the 4-day week has been a success here at Realm and every time we have spoken about it on our social media it always seems to go down well, with all top-performing posts being about Flexi-Friday. I’m no sherlock but this must mean there’s many more of our followers believing in it too! Bring on the 4-day week revolution!
#Flexibility #WorkLifeBalance #FlexiFriday #Innovation