In our Ask a Recruiter feature, a member of our specialist team will tackle a topic relating to attraction, recruitment and retention.
This month, Associate Consultant Michaela Baddeley gives her advice to a law firm looking to make their vacancy more appealing to a passive/inactive market.
“We have been trying to recruit for a senior position within our family team for the last 3 months but have struggled to find the right person.
How can we make the role more appealing to suitable candidates?”
“I’m sorry to hear you’re finding it difficult to fill your position, that must be frustrating, but in the current market (with only one-fifth of lawyers actively looking to move), it is not uncommon for us to hear this from law firms.
While the current talent shortage is certainly making it hard for firms to recruit, there are some steps you can take to make the role more appealing to prospective employees. It might be worth revisiting your requirements and your offering as an employer.
For instance, might you be able to take on a more junior solicitor (at a lower salary point) instead, who will eventually progress to the senior role you are trying to fill? Or do you need to reassess the salary for the role or expectations you have about your team coming into the office? Nowadays, law firms offer an average of 2-3 days of home working; if you are offering less than this, you could be missing out on the talent you’re looking for.
If you do decide to rethink the position, it’s essential that you communicate any changes you make to your recruitment partner so that they can properly sell the role to the market.”
If you’re looking for further information on market rates or tailored advice on how to hone your employer brand proposition or benefits package, our specialist legal recruitment team is ready to help you. Get in touch on 03300 245 606 or email