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How To Hand In Your Notice
You’ve received the call you’ve been waiting for and have been offered an exciting new position, congratulations! But before you can truly get energised about your move, there’s the small but essential task of handing in your notice. Whether you’ve...
Realm Talks to Julie Jewers, Director at Berwins Solicitors
In this edition of Realm Talks To... Principal Consultant Kelly spoke to Julie Jewers, Director and Private Client Solicitor at Berwins Solicitors. During their conversation, Julie gives us an insight into her most interesting case, what Henshaws College does for...
Realm Talks To… Emma Palmer
Our family law recruitment specialist Michaela recently caught up with Emma Palmer, Partner and Head of Family at MSB Solicitors. Topics of conversation included Emma’s plans for her team at MSB, what she might have done professionally if she hadn’t...