Being a lawyer requires amazing organisation and attention to detail, both of which can be hampered by working from home. As a lawyer it’s a common problem to be pulled in all sorts of directions every day by clients and colleagues, we know it’s not easy. Adding on top of that the comfort of your home, thinking about what needs washing and what should be for dinner that night, the distractions can be endless. Understandably, it’s not easy to stay productive when the to-do list keeps on growing whilst the ‘done’ list feels dormant. So here are some top tips on how to remain productive whilst working from home:
- Maintain a routine – We were all there during lockdown waking up whenever, gently plodding over to our desks and switching on our laptops and steadily going through emails. Don’t do that. Instead, try to get up at a regular time and keep to a similar routine that has worked so many times when you’ve been going into the office.
- Create a dedicated working environment – Let’s face it, there’s more distractions at home so, if possible, make a designated spot where you can mentally say “this is my work space and the rest of my home is my home” and try stick to those boundaries. It’ll help you get into your work mindset and enables you to leave that work mindset when you leave that space.
- Don’t forget to take breaks – This one really should be applied to both work and office settings but generally in the office it is easier to take breaks. You can chat to your colleagues, move around the office, whereas at home, you can be isolated and it can be easy to be glued to your screen. Get up, breathe some fresh air!
- Reclaim that extra time! – All of a sudden, you’re not doing that treacherous commute to work, so use the time you’re saving wisely. Take your dog for an early morning stroll or, even better, take yourself. Use it as ‘you time’ and give yourself the pleasant commute you always dreamed of… right back to your home.
Remember: It’s not all about work
In a recent survey, we found over half of lawyers work more hours from home than at work and this is understandable but not the best use of your time. The aim is to be productive but not work yourself into the ground. By trying to stick to your usual office hours, creating dedicated work spaces to stop you from thinking about work when you shouldn’t be and allowing time for other activities and taking breaks, we can be more productive so we can have as much time to focus on life as we do on work. That’s why at Realm we call it life-work balance.
If you want to find out more make sure to read our other blogs on Reducing the risk of burnout, setting goals and how to be happier while working from home. Also check out this amazing block from Clio on avoiding solicitor burnout. If you want to find a new job or looking for advice don’t hesitate to get in touch with our consultants. We have recruiters working in all of the main legal practice areas, so we are perfectly positioned to help you take your next step.