In our Careers Clinic we hand over to you, our community, to send in a question on career progression.
This month, we advise a personal injury solicitor worried about how her multiple moves might by a prospective employer.
“Last year, I relocated to Manchester from Liverpool and started a new role at a specialist personal injury firm.
In recent months, I’ve realised that my poor work-life balance is affecting my wellbeing. I’d love the option to work from home (my current firm offers no home working). Will the fact that I’ve moved roles twice in the last 2 years damage my prospects of finding a new job?”
“While the fact that you’ve moved twice in two years might have in the past been perceived negatively by potential employers, the perception of job hopping has changed in recent years and in fact, is becoming normal in some industries, particularly amongst younger professionals looking for more varied experience or higher pay (according to our 2022 state-of-the-market research, one-third of lawyers achieved a pay rise of more than 20% when they moved roles). It’s true that the legal profession can be slow to catch up with trends in other sectors, but in my experience, moving roles frequently is not seen as taboo as it once was, even in the law.
If you work with a specialist recruiter in your search for your next role, they should be able to sensitively explain your circumstances and reasons for moving to any firms you apply to. If there’s any push-back on your multiple moves, they should be consultative with the law firms they speak to on your behalf and explain your commitment to finding a position that will allow you to have a better work-life balance and improved well-being.
As I’m sure you’re aware, flexible hours and home working are now offered by most law firms, so you shouldn’t have any trouble finding a firm that provides you with the flexibility you’re looking for. Best of luck with your search!”
About the Career Accelerator
The Careers Clinic features in our Career Accelerator mailout every few weeks. It is designed to help you develop your skills, get advice from leading lawyers in your practice area and better understand the current legal opportunities on offer. You can sign up to receive the Career Accelerator straight to your inbox, by completing the form below.